Multi-craft Core Curriculum
The Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3) is a comprehensive apprenticeship-readiness program (120 hours), which was developed and approved by the Building Trades National Apprenticeship and Training Committee and recognized by the US Department of Labor. MC3’s program design includes curriculum on tools and materials, basic math prep, construction safety, and financial responsibility. The MC3 provides a pathway for community residents to gain access to Building Trades apprenticeships and is a national industry-recognized credential.
The Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3) is a comprehensive apprenticeship-readiness program (120 hours), which was developed and approved by the Building Trades National Apprenticeship and Training Committee and recognized by the US Department of Labor. MC3’s program design includes curriculum on tools and materials, basic math prep, construction safety, and financial responsibility. The MC3 provides a pathway for community residents to gain access to Building Trades apprenticeships and is a national industry-recognized credential.